COORDINATORS | Prof. Alberto Di Minin & Prof. Nicola Bellini
ONLINE - NOV 9 TO 13, 2020
Innovazione con caratteristiche cinesi
On Friday, November 13 from 2 pm the conclusive panel of the Seasonal School "Issues on China" will be live-streamed on our platform.
The webinar, "Innovazione con caratteristiche cinesi. Casi di studio, esperienze di dialogo e prospettive future", represents a unique moment to sum up and analyze the future of the Chinese innovation sector that, for countless reasons, will shape our future as well.
Please, find HERE the full program of the conclusive panel.
We kindly remind you that registration for the webinar is MANDATORY. To register, simply send an email to Miss Fabiana De Carlo
Incontro con la Cina: una panoramica geopolitica sui rapporti diplomatici tra Italia e Cina
On Monday, November 9 from 9.00 am the Opening Webinar for the first edition of the "Issues on China - Innovation, Society, and Culture" Seasonal School took place online. The webinar, titled "Incontro con la Cina: una panoramica geopolitica sui rapporti diplomatici tra Italia e Cina", was an incredible opportunity for reflection and discussion on the complexity of contemporary China through the eyes and experience of the Italian Diplomats. Please, find HERE the full program of the opening webinar.
The 'Issues on China' Seasonal School is a five-day dynamic and intensive program, that offers an introduction to economic, social, political, and legal aspects of modern China through the lens of leading research activities promoted by Sant’Anna Institutes.
Participants will have the opportunity to develop the necessary background to comprehend some of major China's issues while emphasizing the traditional and modern roots of contemporary China.
The seasonal school aims at promoting the knowledge of the role of the People’s Republic of China, within the new global order and its role in the reconfiguration of international relations from different perspectives.
This Seasonal School is dedicated to the memory of the former Consul General of Italy in Chongqing, Filippo Nicosia. This decision stems from the desire to celebrate and remember the commitment and passion Mr. Nicosia employed in weaving relations between Italy and the People's Republic of China during his mandate in Chongqing - the key city of Sant'Anna School's relations with China.
Mr. Nicosia has always been very close to Sant'Anna School and the Galileo Galilei Italian Institute in Chongqing.
The 40 hours-long School will be characterized by a strong interdisciplinary approach and will be focused on the encounter with people, countries, ways of thinking, and systems connected with China. In other words, in order to guarantee the pluralism of disciplinary and intellectual perspectives, the seasonal school will explore aspects related to the phenomenon of tourism, geopolitical and international relation issues, technology transfer, and legal systems.
The School will be complemented by an introductory course in the elementary Chinese language. The course will be held by Chinese professional native-speaking instructors, already well-experienced in training students. Participants will develop basic language skills and will move their first steps towards a more complete training.
Click HERE to download the program.
The Seasonal School will be complemented by an introductory course to the elementary Chinese language. Click HERE for the language course program.
Take a look at our Faculty and Institutional speakers.
The Seasonal Schools are training programs of excellence, which are strongly interdisciplinary, and focused on the School’s frontier research topics. The Seasonal Schools are also opportunities for meetings and exchanges with other high-performing students from all over Italy as well as from abroad.
Participants will be awarded a certificate of attendance at the end of the program after passing a final examination, with full recognition of the credits (CFU) indicated in each call.
Students enrolled in a Bachelor's, Master's degree or Ph.D. course at an Italian or foreign university, and who are on track relative to the examinations required by their educational institutions and with an average examination mark at least equal to 27/30 in the Italian system, or at least B in the international system.
Access to Seasonal Schools requires a self-certified knowledge of the teaching language at or above B2 level if students are not mother-tongue speakers.
Admission to the Seasonal Schools will be decided by a Committee, specifically appointed, which will assess the candidates based on the documentation presented with the application’s submission.
The costs and methods of payment are indicated in the calls of the individual Seasonal Schools.
Besides attending the lessons, the enrolment fee also includes all the study materials, in addition to full board and lodging in the case of on-site courses.
A reduction in the enrolment fee is available based on the applicant’s ISEE-U PARIFICATO (Equivalent indicator of the economic situation for University) for International students. The cost for a Seasonal School goes from a minimum fee of 100€ to a maximum fee of 600€ depending on the applicant's ISEE-U PARIFICATO status.
A 450€ scholarship provided by Fondazione Talento all’Opera Onlus will be assigned to the three best performing participants of each course.
Italian and foreign Universities with specific agreements with Sant’Anna School are entitled to reserved places and to a 10% reduction in the enrolment costs.
Students enrolled in one of the following affiliated universities will enjoy a 10% discount from the School fee:
- Università di Catania
- Università di Viterbo
- Università di Trento
- Fondazione Onaosi
- Università degli Studi di Messina
- Università di Macerata
The Call contains all the necessary information on how to participate and what documentation is required in order to submit your application online. Registration to the Seasonal School "Issues on China" is now closed.
It is now possible to register for the Opening Webinar "Incontro con la Cina: una panoramica geopolitica sui rapporti diplomatici tra Italia e Cina" which will take place on Monday, November 9 from 9.00 am. Click HERE for the full program of the opening webinar.
To register, simply send an email to Miss Fabiana De Carlo
In collaboration with the Galileo Galilei Italian Institute in Chongqing.